Finding Your Work From Home Mojo

Working from home can be a dream come true for some people. You get to set your own hours, work in your pajamas, and take breaks whenever you want! But for others, working from home can be a total nightmare. It can be hard to stay motivated when there are no clear boundaries between work and home life. Keep reading for creative ways to stay motivated while working from home!

One way to stay motivated while working from home is to create a dedicated work space. This could be a spare room that you can close the door to at the end of the day, or simply a corner of your living room that is for work only. Having a dedicated work space will help you to mentally transition into work mode when you sit down at your desk each day. 

Another way to stay motivated while working from home is to set regular work hours. Just because you are not punching a time clock does not mean that you can work whenever you want! Set yourself regular work hours and stick to them as much as possible. This will help create structure in your day and make it easier to get started on work tasks each day. 

If you are finding it hard to stay motivated while working from home, try setting yourself small goals each day. Make a list of things that you need to accomplish and check them off as you go. Seeing your progress will help you to stay on track and motivated. 

Do you have any tips for staying motivated while working from home? Please share!